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woo! awesome work. I use atom for everything now.

    ...but realizing the full potential of Atom is about more
    than polish. We're considering questions such as: What 
    does super deep git integration look like? What does 
    "social coding" mean in a text editor? How do we enable 
    package authors to build IDE-level features for their
    favorite language?
O_o you what?

Things I'm interested in ---> A hackable, fast, extensible editor.

Things I have no interest in at all ---> 'Super Deep' github integration, 'social' coding in my text editor.

Dont get me wrong, atoms a great piece of work, and making it extensible for building custom tooling is really great, but what on earth are you talking about?

I hope this is just 'and now we're going to make some plugins' talking...

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