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Our Chemistry teacher typed his password on a tablet and the image was projected on the screen. So I watched which keys appeared depressed and was able to login later, view GradeQuick, had ability to change grades, but didn't. Good thing I didn't get caught, I might be in federal prison. I did get caught for making a "virus", which was just a webpage that opened it self onload. I think I just got detention for that though.

I poisoned the squid cache at my school and made a fake sex offenders website with all of the teachers on it. Times have changed.

Heh, with some friends I took down the email service board wide for a day via auto-responder. Unlikely you could do that today - most schools are switching to Office365.

Nice. I short-circuited the school ethernet network, shutdown the access to internet school-wide forcing all office staff to work on paper for two days. Suspended 2 days.

The Windows version my school ran dumped these hashed password files of everyone who logged in. It was trivial to copy them and crack them at home but it certainly gave me an uneasy feeling so I stopped.

Back in high school our library had absolutely ancient DOS machines from the early 90s. It was always fun to make autoexec.bat call autoexec.bat on boot...

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