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I very much work on frontend as well. I just use coffeescript or dart when I need to. You seem to be missing the entire point of pretty much all the comments, and you keep making more assumptions.

You're 0 for 3, yet you're still acting smug. I'd take a look into that if I were you. Take this as general advice.

Edit: I saw your comment below - I'm done replying to you directly, you're probably not a troll, but it's sad that you behave like one.

So, in a previous statement you said you code in Python & Lua and now you say that you code in CS/Dart which are more or less dialects of js.

You seem very agitated and disturbed for no apparent reason. We're discussing prog langs after all. Maybe you need to explore sports or politics to vent your anger as it's building up and you might explode anytime :L:

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