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AWS does have a way to warn you when your bill crosses a certain threshold: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/...

All the warnings in the world can't replace a configurable $ limit. We don't want to have to rely on them "forgiving" us if we make a mistake.

the alternative to a warning is: when your app becomes popular they shut it down, it's arguable that is not what you want either.

How do you know it's not what I want? Why do you think they should make such a decision for me?

You are creating one of those arguments that really add no value. Really, if your app is succeeding you might want it to shut it down? No you are just creating another strawman argument because you see a service not offering one feature you MIGHT want. Seriously, get over yourself.

It's not that. There are two approaches here:

1) You're just playing: You want a limit. 2) You're serious about it: You want a warning.

Easy enough to understand I hope.

And AWS is the only service that supports both, and any finegrained solution in between, by triggering programmatically actionable alarms.

You just have to set it up, and if you cannot be bothered, AWS isn't the service for you. If you don't want to do your own cooking, fine, but don't whine about the grocery store not providing you with your own personal chef.

oafitupa is just whining for the sake of whining.

All he asks for is a reasonable feature that can be enabled or disabled as the customer wants. You may not need the feature, he does.

This is hacker news, ie for people who like tech, like to ticker with it and play with it. What is so bloody wrong with wanting a safety button so that you don't ruin yourself that you have to throw out insults?

spdustin says you can have it shut down automatically: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8927711

That's great, thanks for the info. I wish most getting started guides would set this up first/early.

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