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I love the company name in the screenshot "Setec Astronomy" - it's a reference to the movie "Sneakers". It is an anagram for "too many secrets".

It's also an anagram for Cootys Rat Semen!

"Too many secrets" (from Sneakers) is certainly the intent. Pretty much the whole screenshot is full of Sneakers references.

Oh I know. Cootys Rat Semen is also from Sneakers. It is the first decoding of the anagram that Bishop decoded while playing Scrabble. They quickly discarded that and found "Too Many Secrets" shortly thereafter.

It was the 3rd decoded that they didn't share with the group. The 1st two were "Montereys Coast" and "My Socrates Note".


I was ecstatic to see this "Sneakers" reference.

When ever I use any type of voice recognition software it's a requirement to use the phrase " My voice is my passport. Verify Me.

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