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Security isn't just about protecting you from eavesdropping or data theft. Its about protecting the integrity of your content. ISPs and wifi hotspots can mitm you and inject advertisements and or otherwise modify the content of your website in midstream. No security means there is no assurance that the page you are looking at is the page you intended to see. I'm sure your church doesn't want parishioners complaining about ads for porn showing up on your website just because they accessed it at a sketchy internet cafe.

And no security isn't inherently bad, but a browser warning doesn't have to be judgmental, it just has to be informative. Warning for a bad cert or a self-signed cert but not displaying any warning for an unsecured connection is misleading, as it implies an unsecured connection is more secure than a self signed cert. By warning in some cases the browser has taken responsibility for providing information about connection security, it should do the best job it can at that, and that should mean warning users that unsecured connections are unsecured.

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