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SSL Certificates are free. It's the authority you pay for.

What needs to change, in addition to this, is the interstitial warning page for a self-signed certificate needs to go away.

Having a self-signed cert > http.

> Having a self-signed cert > http.

It really depends on what exactly you are talking about. For a Man-in-the-middle attack, your statement is false. For passive dragnet surveillance, your statement is true.

I think people underestimate MITM attacks...

Doesn't really matter, does it? Even if MITM attacks are 99% of all attacks that doesn't leave you any worse of with a self-signed certificate. Better yet you are able to use a root certificate only trusted by most, rather than all, browsers because you secure that much of your traffic (which could easily be the 80+% that runs a modern browser, just not the few virus infected XP machines) which would enable actual innovation among CAs.

> For a Man-in-the-middle attack, your statement is false.

Not with certificate pinning.

on a case by case basis: >=

overall assessment: >

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