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Definable not entirely true. I might be a language hipster (http://xkcd.com/297/) but I'm definitely not a web developer, except for back ends. The first time sharing system I used was a UNIX(TM) Release 6 system in the summer of 1978, and I started learning C after that, programming professionally in it starting in 1980. C++ in 1995, and I did several intense projects in it.

I loathe C++, think it's way too dangerous, and C is obviously dangerous. I really want something safer to do systems programming in, that's successful (pretty much every prior alternative has failed in one way or another). Maybe Rust will be that.

>1978 >1980 >1995

I take it you haven't programmed in C11 or C++11? Modern C exists and C is too ubiquitous to be replaced.

I'm all for new projects and new languages but I just don't understand the hype around Go and Rust as a C replacement.

C++ is not a solution to anything I'm interested in (aside from the special case of perhaps wanting to use LLVM). If I was doing e.g. VLSI stuff that might be different.

C99 and C11 add a variety of nice things, but they don't make the language markedly safer.

How long have you spent tracking down wild pointer and using freed memory errors? Every have to convince your boss to spend $$$ on a hardware debugger to find one? (ATRON, back in the 8088 days.) Or look at Mozilla's very real world motivation for this project.

I take it you haven't programmed in Rust.

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