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Power vim user for 7+ years, then started using org-mode in emacs and eventually got sucked in and did everything in emacs for a while... then needed to do Android dev, ended up really liking Android Studio, realized all the JetBrains IDEs are amazing. Now I'm spending my days with Android Studio, AppCode, RubyMine, but still using org-mode in emacs. Never felt right with evil mode, but the vim bindings in all the JetBrains IDEs are good enough. I'm not going to let terrible support for visual mode multiline insertion ruin my day. There's a place for all these tools and eventually you're going to have to touch a lot of them. I'm really happy I respected them enough to invest some real time.

I went from RubyMine to emacs, for working with rails / coffeescript projects. Having an editor I could trivially extend was key; M-x eval-region (I have it bound to a shortcut) dramatically lowers the barrier to altering functionality.

I'll only use an IDE for languages that rely heavily on code completion, and have good support for it through static typing and libraries that include symbol tables. In practice, that means Java and C#.

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