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Show HN: Essential Dynamic DNS (slimdns.com)
17 points by slimdns on Sept 15, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Err. I accidentally took www.slimdns.com. Perhaps people should visit http://slimdns.com/ instead of http://www.slimdns.com/ for now as that's now pointing at

[edit] Sent them a tweat to advise.

Note to other people: Always consider how people are going to abuse your service before you make it public. God knows how they never thought this would happen, it was the first though that came into my head when I saw their webpage.

Hours spent doing lot of controls and fallen into a stupid one. Lessons learned.


Looks nice.

I've written something similar, which just uses curl (and no secret) rather than the DynaDNS-like system you have:


You seem to benefit from the use of different record types, and the short TTL (10 seconds? Nice). I benefit from simplicity and IPv6 support, although at a cost of not supporting MX, etc, because I judged the support and abuse potential to be too high.

Hostnames must be beneath the existing zone, so you'd want to use:

Of course that isn't what you were trying to do ..

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