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What, what? YouTube has been doing an HTML5 based web player for quite some time now[1], and I believe it supports FLV video as well, though I can't find a reference for that.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/html5?gl=CA

I have uninstalled Flash from my system. A great many videos on YouTube give me the "you need the latest flash player to watch this video" error.

Yes, several years ago, I was getting MP4 video, and today, a portion (say %30-%40) just launch with MP4. But most of the time I get the "you need flash".

It's really weird. Using the built-in HTML5 player, half the videos don't load. But those videos do exist — Google just doesn't want you to be able to access them easily. I can watch them on my iOS devices, I can download them using dirpy.com, and I can watch them in my browser using the YouTube5 plugin.

I don't think you can use the HTML5 player for videos with ads. It's an elephant of a caveat.

This was true at one point, but no longer. The HTML5 video player displays ads just fine these days.

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