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Why did you leave? You cannot with a straight face advocate the social policies of a failed state.

I would suggest you do a bit more research on the roots of the civil war. You could start with the Wikipedia page on Siad Barre, the dictator who was ousted:


Illuminating quotes, "the government forbade clanism and stressed loyalty to the central authorities", "Barre also sought to eradicate the importance of clan (qabil) affiliation within government and civil society".

I can advocate Xeer as a functional model of non-state governance in exactly the same way that parliamentary democracy did not become defunct after the Revolutionary War and that liberal democracy did not sing its swan song after the overthrow of the Shah or during the Lebanese civil war.

I see Xeer as a call for tribalism, regionalism, and traditionalism in a country that was destroyed by these same factors! I fail to see how Xeer is divorced from these ideas.

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