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Please put in the effort to understand at least the basic idea of dependency injection before deriding it in favor of "simpler" solutions that do not solve the same problem.

The specific pattern DI can solve here is:

- one module provides some capability by name

- another module makes use of that capability by name

- the two modules have no knowledge of each other, and no higher-level glue code is required to connect them together (and construct the appropriate objects at the right times).

Your "solution" does not satisfy the requirements because it requires you to manually construct the objects in the correct order. DI on the other hand will automatically analyze the graph of dependencies, invoking the appropriate factories in the right order.

Sorry to say, but klmr is right. Since functions are first-class objects and references are evaluated late, these issues are already managed by JS and native scopes. There's no need to recreate this functionality in a framework. You might just want to consider the entry point to your code.

P.S.: What this really is about: Unit tests originally designed to go with C/C++ do not work well with late binding. In fact this is a concept totally foreign to these languages. It's essential to understand that these kind of frameworks serve in the first line the purpose of test suites and only in second place the needs of developers. (Developers should not mistake themselves for test suites.)

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