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I used to landscape professionally. Which - in my case - is a fancy way of saying I cut grass, dug ditches, raked leaves and spread mulch. I picked up some useful knowledge along the way.

Thing is, no matter how much satisfaction I get from a problem solved, elegant or just effective code written, etc - it isn't quite the same thing as when I could look back at a yard/park/complex etc at the end of the day and say "Yep, that looks good. I did that." Something that not only I could appreciate, but everyone driving by would notice on some level.

I'd not want to go back to that full-time. Intellectually my work now is far more satisfying (mentally designing algorithms while walking behind a bobcat tends to result in both poor algorithms and a poorly cut lawn). And it's easy to forget the long days, paychecks at the mercy of the weather, being constantly sore and always finding dirt and the damndest of places...

But I am thinking about finding some part-time work in landscaping this year for just that reason. I enjoyed it, I was reasonably good at it, and it felt good to be doing. With my hands.

I had a similar experience with painting walls.

Another landscaper here. It's something I really enjoy but wouldn't want to do full-time again. Working hard in the dirt keeps you grounded, and it's nice to socialize with your co-workers while pulling weeds. Hmm, maybe I should join a gardening co-op.

I find that I miss data centre work I used to do for a mid-sized hosting company for precisely this reason. I miss doing stuff with my hands. Racking and unracking servers, network equipment and similar is cathartic in a way that is hard to express.

I loved cutting grass but don't have a yard anymore as I live in an apt :(

My side-business gives me similar satisfaction: Making things.

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