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I would like to know where their numbers come from?

"The thing that excites us about the education space is that today, a lot of people are teaching children and adults how to code, but at the end of the day, you still have to have that $2,000 machine."

I don't think you "have to have that $2000 machine" even less in 2014 where the cost of hardware are lower than ever. But on the other end, I guess they want those poor student to have to pay for their subscription fee to their service.

Personally I was using Vagrant, but now we use docker which use less resource and it take far less than 3 days to setup (probably less than 30 minutes while you can do something else). I don't disagree with the idea of an IDE in the browser, but for me, it will be something open source that you can host where I want.

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