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on Feb 2, 2014 | hide | past | favorite

This is very interesting and all but does it really belong here on HN (I know it may fit bill for "off-topic" guidelines)?

I think MANY people are going to take this blog post the wrong way and not realise that the author is being "sarcastic". Particulary ones that don't click his reference links.

The comments on the article are truly distressing.

Yeah even I was fooled - I totally missed his "key" and the links.

I am sorry for the hatred the author faced. I have friends in Pakistan and a few other dominantly Muslim countries. America is very diverse, and that is a two-sided coin. On one hand, we are filled with people who accept and fight for the rights of Muslims, and on the other there are (what I hope are a minority) of people who are anti-Muslim. As someone who grew up a Jew (but no longer practices), I faced a lot of ridicule simply for being a Jew (my case is trivial, but to my next point...). I learned to ignore it - the people who look down on you are not those whose opinions are worth evaluating.

EDIT: I'm an idiot - I did not realize that the article was a satire. :)

The blogger is actually pointing out that America is a very accepting and safe place for muslims in comparison to Pakistan. If you click the links in his post where he references events you will see that they all actually occur in Pakistan.

> for muslims

Specifically, the subgroup of Ahmadi Muslims.

Ah true. Thanks ;)

The article was satire, if that is what you would call it.

That being said what do you call this style of writing, where the context is purposefully inverted?

I apologize for my misunderstanding! I did not gather that from the article, I should have read the links as well.

You need to have a certain awareness of world events to realize that the article swapped things around for the purposes of satire. But then the key at the end is there to make sure no one who actually read to the end remains confused.

Am I missing something or are most of the comments on the article missing the key / substitution at the end? I wouldn't describe the article as "sarcastic" but more of a looking in the mirror type thing.

When I first read this, I completely ignored the Key at the bottom for no particular reason. I imagine they are all doing the same.

I didn't notice the Key at the bottom which replaces all of the US place names for the true Pakastani ones. It would have been cool if he had a piece of javacript to switch out and reveal the true story at the end.

Does not america discriminate asians and other races at university admissions?

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