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The article doesn't say which wireless chipset it is using (only that it's Broadcom).

> Yes it looks like Belkin actually understands what the word “open” means and why. Yay!

I will believe that only once I see that the wifi chip is using a vanilla kernel driver and not some binary Broadcom driver that will tie you to a specific kernel for years to come (as has been the case with the WRT54 for years until the b43 open source driver was matured).

And I would have liked to learn how much RAM this thing has. Some routers currently come with quite a lot of it, eg TP-Link WDR4300 with 128 MB (http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl-wdr4300) — that's one of my current favourites for building appliances with OpenWRT.

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