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Great pivot guys! If any of you guys are working on textual insights with scraping, please let me know. I do pdfs, text docs as well as more traditional html.

I think vertical specific ecommerce pricing data like what these guys are doing is a hard problem ( I have clients in this space as well) and it's great to specialize in something like this. I think the real value comes from an end to end service like what these guys are offering.

Current projects for clients include custom sentiment analysis engines, real time event streams, ad intel type projects, location data, and even menus.

Much of this is done with deep learning and more generalizable models that are likely to fit your domain.

I have a dashboard I'm working on with some customers now that will allow you to avoid having to contact a service provider.

Email is in profile if there's any requests. I hope to put up a good portfolio site soon. Only started this a few months after building out my own text analytics engine.

Also again: best of luck to priceonomics here. It's a lucrative market if done right.

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