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This is utter BS.

Riot's TodoMVC - 59 LOC html, 185 LOC js.

Angulars TodoMVC - 70 LOC html , 145 LOC js. ( I DINT even discount the extra lines used for comments and stuff - which angulars has quite a lot of ! ) . https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/tree/gh-pages/architectur...

The other implementation is 71 html and 162 js. https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/tree/gh-pages/architectur...

Stop claiming that your "framework" allows writing less loc.

There are sooo many useful constructs that all these frameworks provide. I generally abhor Backbone for its "minimalistic" approach. But looks like even jashkenas is taking issue to what you are doing here.

You are saying that / claiming that - me / we are soo damn good that we can do in <1KB what a whole bunch of developers have not been able to do in xKB where x is a larger number.

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