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StartHQ Capitalizes on Chrome's Change of the New Tab Page (arcticstartup.com)
13 points by olegp on Oct 1, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

All this wouldn't have happened without Finn (https://twitter.com/finnpauls) so big thanks to him!

For the growth hackers amongst you - the obligatory hockey stick curve is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g8c15ks93mo519e/hockey-stick.png

Keep in mind that the visitors to https://starthq.com arrived via an interim Chrome extension page - that has been getting 3K uniques a day for two days, so just so you know what kind of traffic to expect on a slow Saturday with 40 odd points on HN.

Original submission here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6462056

Also a bit of a technical detail, but the amount of traffic we've been getting as a result exposed a memory leak in our server running Node, which we're now patching up. Fun times.

This article seems to miss the fact that the old "new tab page" also showed frequently visited pages, but also showed apps.

It took me a very, very long time to work out where my apps were when I went to use one because I had hidden the apps link on my bookmark bar a few days previously when I had first seen it. (My bookmark bar lacks space as it is!)

So did I understand you correctly that you prefer to see the frequently visited sites, rather than the apps on your new tab page?

Also, what does everyone think about bookmarks on the new tab page - is that something everyone uses, or would just having a tile that links to chrome://bookmarks/ be sufficient?

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