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Show HN: Empress - Blogging with Ember.js and Github (github.com/hodgesmr)
28 points by _kcn8 on July 29, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

It's great to see an open sourced Ember.js project on the front page. I've spend most of the last year working with, around, and on top it. But, and this is a but of serious hesitation, why would you use Ember.js for a blog like this?

I'm nearly positive the answer is just "to learn Ember" - in which case, great!

To everyone else: don't start using a JS MVC framework for your real projects without seriously justifying their use in the first place. They should absolutely not be considered part of a default app stack. You will go through so much pain in doing so, and that pain needs to explain itself, in the concrete terms of the project requirements.

You're absolutely right! This was a learning experience. I made it open source so that the community can help improve on things I may have done wrong.

I remember seeing tomdale tweet something about how people will occasionally tweet: "lol the Ember docs site doesn't even use Ember!!!1"... they think they've 'exposed' something.

That said, not everything should be for production use.

I'm intrigued, and I'll play around with it when I get home.

I recommend that you put up some kind of sample blog with it on github as a demo of the look-and-feel; the first thing I tried to do was go to hodgesmr.github.io to see what it looked like, and I was disappointed :-\

Thanks for the interest! I agree, and I do intend to put something up on my github user page. I want to do some custom styling first (since the project is just a template) and also port my old blog from Wordpress.

I second a demo/preview/you porting your blog page...

Maybe a demo for users to see the 'admin' type side, and a your ported blog to see the finished project.

Interesting, do you have an example site set up we can check out?

Soon I plan to port my personal blog to Empress, but that hasn't happened yet. However, if you're curious, the Quick Start instructions will get a demo running locally for you!


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