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I believe jumping right into Haskell, unless you're already fond of recursion, is a bit too stiff. Maybe try to read SICP, it will expose you to the functional programming principles that lead to Haskell (strict vs lazy evaluation) which he mostly makes more concise and expressive.

Here's a playlist of a lecture session for HP employees by the authors of the book : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB63C06FAF154F047

Here's the book http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/ ( alternate formatting texinfo http://www.neilvandyke.org/sicp-texi/ , pdf http://sicpebook.wordpress.com/ )

Er, no. If you're interested in Haskell, pick up one of the 2 mainstream Haskell books (listed in ekm2's comment) and GHC, then learn it.

SICP might be a great book, but there's a long way road from it to Haskell. If you are to read theory, then Yorgey's (the instructor for the linked course) Typeclassopedia or Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures will give you more bang for the buck as far as Haskell is concerned.

Alright, I can only say that in my case seeing simple recursive decomposition in scheme, macros, pattern matching (scheme, ml) then Haskell made much more sense than diving directly in Haskell very tight syntax/semantics. Without functional programming background, lazy languages with patterns can look like black magic, hence my suggestion.

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