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Honda builds a 130 mph lawn mower (foxnews.com)
23 points by swamp40 on July 19, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Please consider not linking to Fox News when there is a decent alternative site. Here is one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23342347

What's wrong with Fox News? How is the site you listed more "decent"? Please describe "decent" as you understand that term? My sense is that your comment is snipey, snarky, snobby, snooty and snotty.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that even though BBC have been doing it longer, Fox News are just as good at regurgitating a press release as the Beeb are.

At the very least, I'd rather give eyeballs/ad revenue to an organization that hasn't affected the political climate in the United States as negatively as Fox News has.

Fox News reports reality unlike all the other American news outfits and the BBC? Liberal, not as bad as the likes of NBC, PBS or NPR though.

Everyone I know who says they don't like Fox News, says so because of the politics. This is about a fast lawn mower. The only thing that I can see in the article that might make people mad is how loud it is. Considering they are not making it for consumers, that it's just a "one-off" project, I can't imagine why the average person would be mad at how loud it is. It's like complaining about how loud race cars are, and you don't even live near a race car track.

So, exactly what is it about the article that you don't like and thus others who might have different beliefs shouldn't link to it?

Disclaimer: I do NOT watch Fox News, nor any other 24-hour news station.

Though this sounds really cool, its not feasible. Going that fast would definitely tear up the lawn just as much as it mowed it. Plus, its dangerous to ride that fast. You really only need so much speed.

But I would love to see X-Games Lawn Mowers. People on 130mph lawn mowers cutting grass the fastest.

They are not making a fully functioning lawn mower that goes 130mph, and certainly not one that you can buy.


Not sure what's novel about this. It's nothing but Honda marketing.

It's a 130 mile per hour lawnmower.

I believe "not feasible" was pretty well implied.

And if that didn't tip you off, "Top Gear" should have driven it home.

This would make for a very short The Straight Story http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166896/

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