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How to go from zero to revenue in under five weeks without building a product (casualcorp.com)
26 points by mfishbein on July 18, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Regarding the "takeaways" in the article, in what magical world is "provide the investment management platform for the entire crowdfunding economy" not an idea for a product.

Linkbait article is linkbait.

What does the product look like? What features does it have?

"Surface" as a transitional verb makes me break out in hives.

1. Create lists

2. Update lists

3. Pitch lists

4. ...

5. Profit

Optimized version:

1. Ask a lot of people who fund questionable, unproven businesses what they'll pay for.

2. Promise to fulfill their requests.

3. Take their money.

4. Follow through on your promise like an honorable member of society. (optional)

We didn't actually charge the credit cards. We wanted them to think the were paying so we would know if we were actually building something of value.

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