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The Essence of Founding a Company Is This (matthewpaulmoore.com)
9 points by moorage on July 18, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

That's a very polarizing view of the term "founder" you have going there... For example, my plumber is an entrepreneur and a very successful one. By the definition you've provided, he shouldn't have started his own company.

"But Scott - he has a product that sells itself." Not true - he has tons of competition in a narrow niche. Sure, we all need a plumber from time to time but we also may have as many as 1,000 options (depending on problem + geo location).

I like pithy sayings and nice, tight analogies as much as the next guy but this one - it just misses the mark.

Good point. I'm specifically talking about founders who are shooting for 100mm in revenue companies (the kinds VCs would invest in). Sorry -- I thought everyone in the silicon valley defined entrepreneurs in the same way? ;-)

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