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Of course, the rogue-like scene is also as strong as it ever was -- and it's definitely got a ton of hidden content/game-play mechanics.

I wish I saw more games like one Ragdoll Invaders, though.

The reason I say this is that much of the hidden game-play/mechanics was emergent from the simple basic game-play -- you controlled a ragdoll shooting and avoiding a series of progressively more difficult enemies.

You could use the physics to, for instance, somersault gracefully through oncoming bullets (reducing your surface area), keep your body tightly curled into a ball if you moved slowly enough, continue to play with just one arm (the other would continue to shoot) so you could make the decision to lose an arm in order to survive.

This struck me as being really cool, and I wish there were more games which did allow 'special moves' as a natural side-effect of the physics they were using.

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