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B.S.'08, M.Eng '09

Henderson is one of my favorites; I just went back for my 5-year and he was just so wonderful to talk to.

The FE curriculum never really interested me; I took OR methods in FE as an undergrad and the professor (a surfer-dude postdoc from UCLA, Will Anderson) convinced me that the efficient market hypothesis was mostly right.

After that, FE seemed a little... well, in the words of my classmate Ryan, "like looking at the surface of the waves to see if there are whales humping."

Mostly right is a mostly correct statement. Heard of Renaissance Technologies?

IMO, continuous time finance is a flawed model. Academics always rattle off theorems based on assumptions that do not hold across all time scales. I've worked with traders lacking any formal education that have a better understanding of the market than someone like Protter will ever have. Trading isn't about investing; it is about capital flows.

That said, I don't miss the job (only the $).

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