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> We value a fun work environemnt

If a ping-pong table is on your stuff-to-buy list for the first 3 years or so you've either hit one out of the park or you're as good as dead.

Ping pong tables cost about ~$150. That seems pretty cheap for stress relief and entertainment.

I'd be careful not to read too much data into tiny signals like whether a company has a ping pong table.

As a ping pong hobbyist and an employee at a company that does have a ping pong table, I can assure you a $150 ping pong table is not good enough for anyone that actually plays ping pong because they think it's fun and they'd like to get better at it over time. It might be good enough for when you have nothing to do and you're just killing time. If you care about the game, then a ping pong table goes for ~$1500.

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