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Paraphrase of the "Challenge" paragraph: "We only solve very very hard problems, we turn away the easy problems, and we all agree that's the way to go"

Does anyone really think that way or fall for that? This is incredibly immature. Why would you turn away easy jobs? You're not researchers, you're a business.

I never think of whether the problems I'm solving are "easy" or "hard". They just need to be fixed.

It seems to me that MojoTech's culture is 'look at us, we're superheroes, look at the problems we're solving, they're ultra-difficult.'

You're taking yourselves too seriously. We're all doing the same stuff. There's software, then there are bugs, then we fix them. We're not special. Get over yourselves.

> It seems to me that MojoTech's culture is 'look at us, we're superheroes, look at the problems we're solving, they're ultra-difficult.'

What is wrong with that? If they want to attract people who enjoy finding difficult problems and solving them more power to them. What you see as easy money they might see as grunt work getting in the way of what they enjoy.

The industry needs many different cultures. The practical people who grab easy money when they see it should find a company that does so. People with a lot of pride (you may argue excessive) and think certain tasks are beneath them should a company with simiar views. It might hurt the bottom line but if they are fine with that because it allows them to be more selective I can empathize.

They're showing off in a holier-than-thou douchey way. Contrast that with the attitude the folks at freenode#haskell sport, who are actually solving hard problems, and you'll understand why I think MojoTech's blog post is immature.

That's cute, but my point is not about Haskell, but about the new grounds computer scientists are breaking using Haskell as a tool. Those are seriously hard problems. Making a phone app is not hard.

I thought it was because I am Dutch, but the blog post is indeed not the way you should talk to Dutch people... :-D

All the best to them anyway.

MrQuincle, it's not because you're Dutch - it's because we're both not pretentious. :)

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