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Having a product in the wild, I agree w/everything on the list. I also wanted to offer the following. Numbers correspond to the order in which the OP lists them:

1. Error Tracking. I'd also recommend catching JS errors that are happening client side. Whether they're sent to 3rd party analytics or bug tools, or sent to your server for logging (what we do) is up to you. A JS error can prevent your app from working just the same as a server side bug can, so definitely do this.

2. Setup your support email. Yes, but also include a very easy to access support form inside your app. Even though I include our product's support email address on our website and in account verification emails, 95% of support emails come from w/in our app through the built in support form.

3. Get a few friends to test the app first. We were fortunate to have friends very eager to do this, that also represented our target audience. In addition to finding bugs, we also found they re-emphasized features we left out or thought weren't important. They also downplayed features we decided to include instead, either b/c they didn't work as expected, or weren't as important as we thought they were. But use good judgement when acting on their feedback, depending on how much they represent your target audience.

5. Uptime Monitoring. OP, what are your uptime reports saying? I test drove Digital Ocean for about a week, but their network was the least reliable out of all 5 hosting providers I tried.

We are at 99.937% uptime for the month of July. We have had 28 minutes of downtime and most of that is related to deploys and fixing a puma issue we had.

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