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This is how silicon valley ends up working entirely on problems faced by young single tech-savvy american college graduates with disposable income.

Draft is a product that helps you write better. I use it, and it's excellent. There are writers everywhere, and have been throughout history. I'd hardly call that

"problems faced by young single tech-savvy american college graduates with disposable income."

But I suspect the "writers" market is a relatively small and spends very little on tools and services.

I agree, and see this as a big argument for "getting out of the building" not to look for ideas, and not even to validate existing ideas, but just to live more life.

If you're really skilled at using tech to solve problems, pretty soon you won't have any problems that have much overlap with the vast majority of the human population. It's like a mini-superpower.

So, make an artificial constraint to open your mind a bit, like writers & poets do. Work for free, start from scratch; get out of the building/city/state/country. Do things that are hard for you; you have a better safety net than most people do.

Your problems will still be different from most people's, but you'll pick up new passions, new interests, and you'll find new problems that interest you (which you can develop in the new building for a while, if you like).

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