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Show HN: Our logo as a WebGL shader (linkergames.com)
5 points by linkergames on July 2, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

We wanted to make our logo animated and we wanted it to scale to different resolutions well so we gave WebGL a try. Check it out and tell us what you think. Feel free to inspect the source of the page. Big thanks to Mr. Doob and everybody else who made the GLSL sandbox (http://glsl.heroku.com).

P.S. If you see the alternative version of the logo with the white background then your browser does not like our WebGL stuff.

All I get is a black background Firefox/22.0 Linux

Check if WebGL is working properly for you on http://get.webgl.org/ If you don't see a spinning cube there, try Chrome. If it does not work with Chrome too then there might be a problem with your video drivers.

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