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on June 1, 2013 | hide | past | favorite

I think PG lives by the KISS method.

Remember "Offer HN" trends? - the entire front page was filled with "Offer HN"

- followed by blog posts about why it sucks

- followed by blog posts telling those people calm down

- people were asking for separate URL for "Offer HN" like "ask"

These things are kinda gimmicky and will usually die off within a week or so.

Getting back to whatever I was doing...

+1 --> Already voted you up, but somehow that didn't feel enough. The irony of this isn't lost on me :P

I feel like this is something better suited for a dedicated site/application rather than being slapped onto HN.

Glassdoor essentially does this already.

But that doesn't pander to the HN community's sense of being special flowers! Who cares what programmers broadly make in the area, what do programmers who frequent HN make?


It already exists essentially.

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