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What is freedom? (paraschopra.com)
15 points by paraschopra on May 13, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

If you want to see how deep the rabbit hole of freedom can be, I would recommend "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: A Handbook for Personal Liberty"

No matter whether you are young or old, male or female, married or single, I think How I Found Freedom in an Unfree Word will probably increase your understanding of how erroneous thinking causes us to restrict our own freedom. By increasing your awareness of erroneous thinking and offering you better alternatives, Harry Browne gives you a chance to make choices that will increase your freedom and happiness. Whether you want to make those choices is up to you.

More info: http://www.amazon.com/How-Found-Freedom-Unfree-World/dp/0965...

Freedom: noun; 1. the state of having both the authority and ability to direct the course of one's own life, including to end it (IMHO).

Freedom, I am sad to say, is not something that all the people deserve. A person deserve it only as long and as much as he/she appreciate it. Sometimes of course, it's easier and tempting, in order to acquire and secure it, to leverage one's efforts by seducing others with its appeal, no matter if they are or aren't capable of enjoying it, and fight for freedom collectively.

...I definitely should follow digitalengineer's recommendation and get (hopefully) a deeper take on freedom's concept.

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