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40 Hour Work Week at Microsoft (msdn.com)
10 points by zandi on April 25, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

That's alot of buzzwords!! :

"I learned early on how to drive more effective results by fixing time and flexing scope, while flowing value, and optimizing team health. I also learned the value of figuring out effective product-lines, managing portfolios of investments, finding the best “Hot Spots” on heat maps of customer pain and opportunity, and mastering the art of the WBS (work breakdown structures) and cuttable scope."

Make a 40 Hour Work Week an initiative, for yourself, for your team, or for your organization. Start small. Lead by example. Start with yourself, then help other people. Focus on finding more effective ways to do things, focusing on the vital few things that matter the most, playing to your strengths, and improving your energy. Know what counts and be able to put your finger on it.

I like how one of the positives mentioned for a team following a 40 hour schedule is that they're more able to crunch...

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