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Nosniff header support coming to Chrome and Firefox (github.com/blog)
49 points by geetarista on April 24, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

since they are disabling this, it would be nice if they provided a URL that you could hot-link to that just gets served from CDN and only updates every 5 minutes or so. best of both worlds: they dont need to have it hit their full stack on every request, and I can make a jsperf using <script src="//cdn.github.com/documentcloud/underscore/master/underscore.js">

That is similar to what github pages is. The limitation is just that the file must be in github pages and you can only get to the current file in the gh-pages branch.


won't work but



Also it looks like there is already a workaround to get to raw pages: https://rawgithub.com/

Which ruins quick iterated testing for jsfiddle and jsbin using gist.

There are a couple of ways that it can be worked around for jsfiddle (assuming you use the "External Resources" tab). One is to pull the file in through an AJAX request and then eval the result. The other is for the backend to pull the script and serve it with headers stripped. The latter approach would be preferable, because then they can use a reasonable caching strategy and not drain github's resources.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't the nginx directive `valid_referers` (http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRefererModule#valid_referers) prevent hot-linking?

It would, but it would create other problems also. If I were to link to a raw.github.com URL on HN, it would be disallowed because the Referer header would be "incorrect".

Not to mention the fact that referrers are an optional part of the http spec, so requiring them is bad form to begin with.

Any downside to just adding this to add responses from a server?

Only problem I could see is if some images were sent with wrong mime types (or none at all).

Can this be paraphrased as "our architecture for serving raw views is terrible, so we took a feature away from our users"?

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