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Ember 1.0 RC3 released (emberjs.com)
73 points by davidroetzel on April 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Really good to see the testing experience get some attention.

An area that has caught me out many times has been when my naming hasn't quite matched the conventions. Because ember provides default implementations at runtime you don't know if your implementation has actually been picked up. Is there any way to enable some logging output that would show whether the default or custom implementation is being used? If not this would be a great addition to the development experience.

I've been wondering about the same thing.

You can print out {{controller}} in your template to see the name. If it's generated it will say something like "generated controller xyz". If your custom one is picked up it will print that out.

It would be great however to include some debugging tools since sometimes you can even wonder how to name your templates.

I think you meant to suggest: {{log controller}}

I wish they would work more on ember-data and documentation.

I genuinely spent my weekend figuring out how features work trough trial and error.

I've been working a bit on Ember Data documentation (particularly filling out the API documentation), and would love to hear the specifics of what you felt wasn't clear!

I know that the documentation right now is really lacking, but it's hard to tell what needs improvement when you're not the one trying to learn it :)

I just upgraded, and it seems quite snappy. Definitely see the performance upgrades working. Good job Ember team!

Just upgraded to rc3... my app does seem faster or am I just hallucinating. Awesome job guys.

I cannot guarantee you are not hallucinating for other reasons, but yes your app should feel faster. The performance work that landed in rc3 is just paving the way for a whole class of performance improvements. Stay tunned for more!

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