Every hacker has a type of challenge presented in a certain level of difficulty that really intrigues him/her. We're working to build the largest and the most engaging community of hackers. We just crossed our 110k user mark and our 3-week retention is hovering around 20%. We're growing fast and... we're still in beta.
The problem with moving fast is it should be managed well, else all the effort isn't worth it. There are users who love it (https://twitter.com/GeneralBison/status/316539960129884161) and users who don't like it much (https://twitter.com/thomasABoyt/status/316030881812840448). It's easy to get this sort of feedback because they're posting it publicly. But what do we do about passive users? We're missing tons of critical pieces of information & feedback from our users which we'd like to fix.
Welcome <your-name-here>
>To actively engage & interact with the current hackers (get feedback)
>Measure every action on the site and see ways to improve the product to increase retention.
>Feature stories on some incredible hackers (eg: Steve Jurveston's kid who is still in high school won a math contest at hackerrank (http://on.fb.me/10aPXGY)
>Manage & organize contests like (hackerrank.com/calvsucsd; hackerrank.com/uho)
>Manage the hackerrank clubs in US (https://www.hackerrank.com/hackerclubs/us)
& many more.. The role is a hybrid of business development & a community/user engagement specialist.
We're a team of 16 almost equally split between Mountain View, CA & India. This role is in Mountain View. You'll be working with an incredible smart team that comprises of ACM world finalists, ex-Googlers/Amazonians and most importantly people who are fired up & inspired to get things done no matter what. I can guarantee that this will be a place where you'll realize your peak potential.
If this sounds interesting, e-mail us with
a. The biggest hack you've done (can be anything you did to get around something)
b. A program in Go that prints "Hello world" 100 times
c. The biggest failure you've faced till now.
Let's talk.