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npm install firebase (firebase.com)
72 points by mayop100 on March 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

If a developer builds a Javascript web app without any servers, how do you know what to charge them for bandwidth? The developer cannot store auth tokens in the client code because anyone could see it. If someone steals the auth tokens, then they can spoof the developer and the developer ends up being overcharged. Or am I missing something?

This is meant to be run in Node.js on a server, not in client-side JavaScript within a web browser.

The original commenter is correct -- this is intended to run fully-client-side.

We provide a set of security rules and authentication that allow you to control access. Authentication tokens should always be generated on a trusted servers, either ours (in the case of Firebase Simple Login), or yours if you want to generate custom tokens, or a third party service like Singly.

Our billing structure is very similar to a CDN, where you are being charged for actual usage on a multi-tenant architecture.

Okay, but that does not answer my question. How would I protect my auth tokens in plain-text, client-side Javascript code without an auth server? Do you provide such an auth server? I only see end-user login which is pretty cool, but usually there are portions of a website which can be seen without the end-user being logged in. In the scenario where the end-user is not logged in, how do you correctly calculate my bandwidth and charge appropriately while still protecting my auth tokens if there is no auth server? Who generates the auth tokens is not relevant to my question.

Their marketing and docs seem to suggest otherwise. This docs page has client-side Javascript: https://www.firebase.com/docs/web-quickstart.html

I'm excited to try this out next time I start a new project. the allure to only having to write a backbone app and no server is pretty interesting to me.

Congrats to the Firebase guys. They've done an amazing job making a difficult to manage technology seem magically easy to use.

Any chance we would get a scala/java client? Would love to use firebase for mobile clients.

When did things ever have to be stable to put them on npm? It uses semver for a reason

It's not the stability of the node.js code itself that was the issue -- it was the stability of the protocol used to communicate with our servers. We didn't want to put it in the NPM before we were ready to support that version of the protocol going forward (once it's live on our devs servers, it could be there a very long time).

The wire protocol is solid now, so we're making the commitment to be backwards compatible from this point onwards.

So this is now a key differentiation between firebase and meteor?

I guess it depends on what you mean as a "key differentiation".

The two are also very different in that Meteor is a framework and Firebase is a data service that can be run completely client-side.

Would it be possible to use both in tandem? Meteor for the app, Firebase for the data storage?

Meteor provides its own MongoDB lite for that.

congrats andrew, see you at the event tonight

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