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Ask HN: What is your favorite podcast?
10 points by Cieplak on March 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

Startup related?

- Smart Passive Income: http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/

- This Week in Startups: http://thisweekin.com/thisweekin-startups/

- Startups for the Rest of Us: http://www.startupsfortherestofus.com/

Non-startup related:

- Slash Filmcast: http://www.slashfilm.com/category/features/slashfilmcast/

- 8-4 Play: http://8-4.jp/blog/?lang=en

- Giant Bombcast: http://www.giantbomb.com/podcasts/

- Weekend Confirmed: http://www.shacknews.com/tag/weekend-confirmed

- Idle Thumbs: http://www.idlethumbs.net/shows

Dead Podcasts, but timeless:

- Retronauts: http://www.1up.com/do/minisite?cId=3156908

- Active Time Babble: http://www.1up.com/do/minisite?cId=3176689

- A Life Well Wasted: http://alifewellwasted.com/podcast/

I like startups, movies, and video games. If you couldn't tell.

Ninja Edit: Formatting.

99% Invisible

http://99percentinvisible.org https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/99-invisible/id394775318

Roman Mars has a real sexy voice and the idea about "listening to architectural" is cool!

2600's Off The Hook http://www.2600.com/offthehook/

and I enjoy Off The Wall too. http://www.2600.com/offthewall/

(these are more Radio shows than Podcasts)

Startup centric? Startups for the Rest of US http://www.startupsfortherestofus.com/

Overall? WTF with Marc Maron http://www.wtfpod.com/

Hardcore History Podcast: http://www.dancarlin.com/disp.php/hh

Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders


Is this down or something? Tried playing through VLC and even directly from the site - both not working.

works for me

the changelog - don't know if dead, but lot's of good stuff about Ruby, JavaSript, Git and working in the command line.


AnandTech Podcast, followed closely by New Disruptors

Zencast from zencast.org. Anything by Gil Fronsdal.

Hypercritical - it ended but worth liatening to the archive...

Car Talk, from NPR.

Uhh Yeah Dude



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