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Parsoid: how Wikipedia catches up with the Web (wikimedia.org)
11 points by swalling on March 4, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I work at the Wikimedia Foundation (as an engineer, but on a different team). Because we're often putting out fires, we don't always do an amazing job of communicating well the kind of work we do. The Parsoid project is (in my opinion) probably the most technically ambitious and, if successful, its impact on Wikipedia could be massive. We're recruiting engineers for that team and we're not having an easy time finding them. There is a lot that we could do better with respect to publicizing our work, but nevertheless I am surprised that we are not stampeded by interested applicants, because the impact-per-engineer ratio at the Foundation is off the charts, and within the Parsoid team (which numbers two or three engineers, IIRC) doubly so.

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