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Duke U challenges students to improve Duke life using tech. $5000 in rewards. (duke.edu)
14 points by jeremyrwelch on Feb 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Anyone know of similar programs at other top engineering schools (MIT, Stanford, Cal, Carnegie Mellon, many others)?

The iCampusPrize at MIT does exactly that. It has $15,000 in prizes and it has been running since 2008.

It has two stages: (1) for prototype submissions and small prizes of ~$1,000, (2) final fully-working submissions and big prize of up to $10,000.

We entered the competition in 2011 with a book exchange site and won ~3,000. The site's still running.

Past winners: http://icampusprize.mit.edu/past-winners/

Edit: fixed wrong link

Awesome. Thanks for the info, and congrats on winning.

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