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Hacker News is down, so we made five issues free (hackermonthly.com)
162 points by ValentineC on Feb 18, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 40 comments

I apologize for being naive, but I don't understand this. Are they putting together the best of the month and publishing them? In that case, why do they charge for digital copy? Also, are they paying any license fee for the content? I mean, I don't get the model.

What difference does it make with Hacker Newsletter?


I have been a contributor in two issues. Before an article you have written gets published there you are asked for your permission (and given a few months free of charge of subscription.) Also, the layout design, images and all this is work someone has done, and is an awesome work. After my free months expired, I subscribed. There are always things I miss in Hacker News, reading Hacker Monthly makes sure I read the best (or what the collective intelligence+editors in HM deem the best) in the best reading outline

Thanks for the awesome explanation, Ruben!

Very welcome, I just love HM :)

The content is free: http://hackermonthly.com/issue-33.html

What you are paying for, in the digital version, is the formatting and other work.

I sell a book that's a collection of my freely-available blog posts. People like the convenience of having everything in a single file that can easily be read offline, searched, etc. People also like supporting things they read.

How cruel, then, that the "Free digital download" links point to a server that's "502 Bad Gateway".

Same error I'm getting. Nice one HN...

Didn't expect this to hit HN so soon :)

I've just fixed all of the download links. Kindly try again.

And I'll forever remember the ironies....

And now that Hacker News is back up, I'm getting a 502 when trying to download the issues. Oh, the irony :)

Here's the problem: I had no idea until now.

This title is a paradox.

This happened last time there was a big HN-Monthly giveaway ...

...when I was naive enough to host all 19 free issues on my Linode server (lowest plan).

A suggestion: You should also include top 3-5 comments along with the HN. It would be really insightful to readers

That's actually an awesome idea.

I hope I am not doing something wrong here.

I was wondering why this person did not host it on some scalable cloud provider (like dropbox). Looks like the redirect service was broken .... I went through the first link and then just engineered the rest using the issue names. I guessed them from this link http://blog.hackermonthly.com/hn-down.html

These links below seem to be available directly without any authentication.






Their entire site went down just now (hopefully not because of us) hence the 502 error. And just came back up a few moments ago.

I moved the download links to my own S3.

Ah ok! Thank you! :-)

Well, I have all the issues with me ;) http://h3manth.com/i/218150a91b.png

Nice collection!

What do you mean HN is down ;-)

Just went to check the subscriber area and I got a 500 error https://subscriber.hackermonthly.com/

Should be working now :)

Thank you so much. I'm particularly grateful that you bundled different file types in the same zip, so I don't have to be like, "let's see -- should I download the MOBI version? Or the PDF version? Or maybe ePub? Wait a minute, I don't have even have a tablet -- why am I having this debate?"

One fewer decision to make.

Thank you so much.

I'm gonna read ur subscription. Like them. And probably subscribe to them :)

I'd love to get the print edition, but the price is a bit steep. Still, a very cool magazine, I'd love to see it at Coffee Shops/Barnes and Noble type places!

HackerMonthly guys: Buy Now does not work: http://hackermonthly.com/store.html

Is Elon Musk wearing lipstick in that picture, or is it just a wicked colour balancing issue?

Anyone knows which software is used to publishing something like this? Looks very nice.

Thanks. Its odd how, even being on a PC, reading something with pages is much better than reading by scrolling and scrolling.

From the PDF metadata, Adobe InDesign CS4/CS5.

502...??? Raise hopes then crush them..HN, what is going on with you!!!

Ironically, I can't download them because the download link is down.

Seems like someone's server cannot handle the load :)

Will you be featuring this HN post in your magazine?

Issues? You mean there's a magazine?

oh the ironing.

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