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[dupe] Game Closure launches mobile development suite for free, makes it open source (insidesocialgames.com)
14 points by unstoppableted on Feb 18, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This is actually pretty exciting. There are a lot of SDKs out there for this cross-over of mobile and web games (Unity3D, Ejecta etc), but none of them have been built with this kind of pipeline in mind and the GC devs are clearly aware of how people are using the existing tools in this space. In-built localisation? Remote debugging? Yes, please! I'm a long-time Unity3D developer and evangelist but this will definitely get some face time from me.

May I ask you about Unity3D experience? I played with it and I got an impression that it is a tool for designers - a lot of time is spent tinkering in complex UI...

Do you know if it is possible to have a more engineering oriented workflow? More, if not fully, code oriented projects? Even if it would require some boilerplate code equivalent to that tinkering in UI.

I am a freelance Unity3D developer :) There is certainly a tool-focussed approach but even as an engineer, this can work quite well for you and help speed up the soft decisions. Personally, I like leveraging the editor in this kind of way but I know some people who refuse to touch it and do everything in code only. So yes, it's absolutely possible.

Free?!? I doubt it! Unless your game source code is released to the public. The license of every component in the SDK is GPL. Based on this discussion:http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5221461 it seems that the SDK will be dual-licensed with a developer friendly license. However in the github repo only GPL is cited.

More discussion: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5221461

I actually tried it out this weekend. Overall it's pretty good.. there are some sharp corners, but when you iron the kinks out, it really does work well. So far I have exported a HTML5 Canvas demo to Android and am excited to try iOS soon.

One thing that needs to happen soon is documentation update. E.g. for the Engine[1] class, `getCanvas` is deprecated[2]. Additionally they don't tell you (or I missed it) that your app/view can supply a `render` function that receives a canvas context directly.

Luckily, there are several demos provided where you can learn these undocumented tricks, but it still shakes my confidence a bit because I don't know if I'm doing things the "right way", or if what I am using will disappear soon.

[1]: http://docs.gameclosure.com/api/appengine.html

[2]: https://github.com/gameclosure/timestep/blob/master/src/ui/E...

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