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Random Hash Functions (2012) (swtch.com)
7 points by crawshaw on Feb 17, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

April's fools aside,

"m[NaN] = 1 always creates a new hash table element (since the key is unequal to any existing entry), reading m[NaN] never finds any data (same reason), and iterating over the hash table yields each of the inserted NaN entries."

This suggests to me an ADT that special-cases insert on the key: if it's not NaN, put it in a hash table, but if it is, tack it onto (say) a plain linked list. Lookup NaN fails, traversing the structure traverses both the hash table and linked list.

Might be a bit more code than a straight-up hash table, but definitely less weird than calling rand in the hash function. (To me.)

Posted on April 1st, 2012

While that's true, it is also interesting how badly hash tables perform if you can fill them with NaNs.

A quick prod tells me that g++'s unordered hash tables have the same bug.. interesting.

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