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Show HN: Generate useful .gitignore files for your project (gitignore.io)
22 points by joeblau on Feb 16, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Morning HN,

OP here. I wrote this little utility to help speed up creation of my git repositories. I realized I was looking up the same .gitignore files over and over again for each project. Feedback would definitely be appreciated on everything including code, layout, and the command line utility.

If anyone here is a Windows guru and knows how to create a one-liner in Powershell or Cygwin that can curl my site aliasing a gi command, could you please email me. My contact info is in my profile.

Cheers, Joe

Please add a option "joe" (the editor joe), including *~ (file backups) and DEADJOE (gets created when joe crashes). Also, I miss a "submission" form for users to add their own findings.

JOE is added :). I'll look into a way take submissions.


You could try to partially reuse: https://github.com/github/gitignore Which try to be a gitignore database.

Yep, that's where I got the core of the templates. They don't accept all .gitignore templates though unless you provide

> Up-to-date, canonical documentation that mentions the files to be ignored

As @mschuster91 suggested, I need a way to accept submissions that aren't in the github/gitignore database.

Love it. I keep trying to paste stuff from github's gitignore project, but it's always too much of a hassle. This fixes it :)

Thanks for the feedback! I had the exact same challenge, which is why I put this together.

It's very useful. I noticed that it doesn't show Xcode in the auto-completion list, like it shows Visual Studio, Vim etc.

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