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Subtome: a better subscribe button (hacks.mozilla.org)
8 points by hpaavola on Feb 15, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Irony is when firefox 18.0.2 won't let me connect to the site due to an invalid certificate - apparently it belongs to tbpl.mozilla.org and displaying the usual "I understand the risks" button would be putting too much responsibility in my tiny hands.

Long suspected that aggregating all sorts of feeds from across the internet in a simpler (read: more accessible) way than RSS is a potentially huge growth area. This looks like a good step in the right direction.

I guess I don't really get the point. It just automates creating buttons to load the RSS feed into the web-based reader of your choice? What if I actually want the RSS feed?

I love it, except, unfortunately the product name seems misplaced and forgettable. Anyone agree/have better name ideas?

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