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Show HN: Easy email notifications for major security vulnerabilities. (vulnerable.co)
14 points by cbarber on Feb 15, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Great idea! Mind if I ask how you're curating the data that you send out? That is, if you're doing it manually then it's basically a 'better than nothing, probably' approach because the people benefiting from the service would be those who presumably aren't combing the web for vulnerabilities therefore making them pretty reliant on you and your information– whether it's from the dev-core, netsec, or plain-old-HN outrage.

1) Are you doing an automated scrape of data? If so, who are your sources? 2) What do you consider "the most important" vulnerabilities? Any plans for letting this be user selectable (i.e. at signup decide whether you want all or critical, etc.)?

Aside: It would also be nice if you provided a sample email on the frontpage, otherwise people just have to sign up and wait to see if the service is what they expect.

Personal preference here, but 5 (!) links to the sign-up page seems a bit much. You could safely drop the bottom three and keep the navigation choice and the hero button - it's pretty clear how to register already.

Fixed. Great point.

Btw - the site is being served statically though Heroku [1]. This is the first time I have tried this out, and it worked fantastically.

[1] http://kennethreitz.org/exposures/static-sites-on-heroku-ced...

Timely, given the recent PyPI breach and Rails/Ruby YAML parsing vulnerabilities.

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