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JavaScript Time Zone Conversion with Walltime (sproutsocial.com)
11 points by Jacob4u2 on Feb 13, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Could not embed GitHub Gist 4091298: API Rate Limit Exceeded for

A good example of why using gist for your corporate blog may not be such a good idea. Right when you are getting a lot of attention your post becomes a lot less useful.

Its too bad because I was interested to read the article

You signed up on HN to give the worst company response ever in a HN thread? Is "visit the github" a new brocode meme?

I'm interested in why you think this comment you made contributed anything to the discussion here. I'd encourage someone who _can_ downvote, to downvote you, since I can't.

You forgot to sign your post: "Senior Front End Developer at Sprout Social"

Wow, you're a winner. Have a good day dude, time to go back to work.

Interesting... never seen gist's fall on their face before like that. Here is a direct link if you are still interested: https://gist.github.com/jgable/4091298

I don't understand. The IP address should be yours and not his servers, as gists are client-side embeds, no?

That is not my IP

Good example of why Github should be using memcached for gists, IMHO :-\

This post is dated, but describes some of the challenges with detecting timezones using JavaScript:


My code has since been adapted and lives on as jstz.min.js. This is the best library I know for handling this sort of stuff: https://bitbucket.org/pellepim/jstimezonedetect

That's an interesting post, and an equally interesting library. However, Walltime is more concerned with the displaying of dates than the detection of timezones.

The example I give from the post explains it like this "... if I’m a user in Australia, and I want to post something at 3:00 AM Chicago time, where the majority of my followers are, how do I calculate that accurately with JavaScript and send it up to the server?". Or, if I'm a user in Australia, but I want to display all my dates on the site like I'm a user in Chicago, how would I do that?

Take a look at the github page description for more info about the type of problems it can help with: http://sproutsocial.github.com/walltime-js/

Ah, skimmed too fast. Thanks for the clarification. I just happened to notice that some of the DST detection logic seemed similar.

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