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Sailthru 2012 Annual Report - The Power of Smart Data (sailthru.com)
13 points by nicoslepicos on Feb 11, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I have a problem when companies start claiming personalization to this extreme level. How can they claim that they know that an individual "Gets bored and checks email at 4pm."

They are able to look at their customers and see when they open emails, even report on the average time, but people are so much more noisy than they make it seem.

It's interesting that this attitude of pinning customers to a specific thing is so ingrained in their mentality that they bucket their customers: Johnson only ever drinks water, Aubrey rides his bike every day, rain or shine.

In reality people are complex and multifaceted, and it is important to acknowledge this when marketing to them.

Here's some coverage of the story that gives more explanation on what Smart Data's all about, and the recent raise from Benchmark:



Would love to read some case studies around it... URLs?

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